Northeast Olympia Info
To know your neighborhood, what policies are already in place to maintain your quality of life, and what is possible, you need to know:
1. Map: The area covered by ONNA is shown on this Map of Northeast Olympia
2. The Sub-Area A Profile reveals patterns in age, ethnicity, housing, etc in the ONNA area.
3. The Northeast Olympia SubArea Plan describes sub area characteristics, and outlines goals, objectives and actions for the next 5 years. Read it over to understand your community's needs and priorities in the near future.
4. Code Information
As you look at the 2015 Olympia Zoning map, you'll notice that most of Northeast Olympia is residential, with R-4-8, R-6-12, with a bit of RM-18. Areas along State Avenue are zoned commercial.
It's important to know what the zoning standards and uses are where you live. Otherwise, your neighbors can build things or use their property for ILLEGAL activities that make your life at home difficult. See the residential and commercial summaries of codes in Sub-Area A below to get educated.
Residential Zones Commercial Zones
5. Here is a description of Neighborhood Centers.
6. Crime in the Northeast Neighborhoods
The ONNA neighborhoods are generally very safe, but they do have a higher-than-average rate of residential burglaries (RB's). Here is a study completed in February 2017, evaluating patterns in RBs in ONNA neighborhoods from 2011 - 2016. So far in 2017, residential burglaries have decreased in the ONNA neighborhoods.

Basically, data shows that a strong blockwatch program, good communications between police and residents, and making simple modifications to your home can prevent most RBs.
• Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) gives a checklist, which you can use to make your home less likely to be burglarized here.
• Recently, KGHW News in Portland talked to burglars about their Modes of Operation when breaking into houses. Here is a summary of their responses.
7. Nuisance and drug houses can come and go, but if no one complains, they stay around.
• Crime waves cluster around drug houses
• Houses with residents who are regularly loud, disorderly, and intimidating make neighbors miserable.
• Houses with trash, overgrown vegetation, abandoned vehicles or rodents, which are generally unmaintained, bring down surrounding housing values. They advertise a standard of neglect and a lack of community. They can make responsible neighbors move away, and actually attract residents who accept this standard.

Here is the new Olympia Nuisance and Drug house ordinance, just issued 10/17/17. Starting on page 3, definitions, a list of violations, and the new City procedures for dealing with them are outlined. Police and Code Enforcement officers will work together and improve communication with residents to abate drug and nuisance houses. BUT IT REQUIRES YOU TO DO YOUR PART AND REPORT VIOLATIONS EARLY AND OFTEN. Below are some resources to prepare you to help your neighborhood be safe and enjoyable.
• Here are "12 Ways to Improve Your Neighborhood Right Now" by Campbell-Delong Resources Inc
• If you are considering calling Police or Code Enforcement about a property, here's a "Making the Call/Taking the Call" by CDRI to give you some confidence and help